Become a CIH Affiliate
Connecting Communities
to Communities
CIH Media Affiliates has six types of affiliates: National Social Influencers, Podcasts, Independent Internet Radio Stations, Local Social Influencers, Street Teamers, and Baton Marketing Partners. Each affiliate has value and is vital in transforming communities and holding elected officials accountable.
CIH will give Media Affiliates tips on increasing listeners, follower engagement, and sales. By becoming a CIH Media Partner, you will have an opportunity to receive a portion of the trillion-dollar marketing and advertising industry. The difference between marketing and advertising is that marketing refers to preparing a product for the marketplace, and advertising is making your product and service known to an audience or marketplace.
National Social Influencers
National Social Influencers must have a minimum of 2,000,000 combined followers on their social media platforms. Each National social influencer must promote CIH Media Group on their platforms to receive their CIH Media Code. CIH Media will allow up to 20 National Social Influencers to sign up.
Podcasters have their own program and platforms to deliver information. Each podcaster must pay a one-time $300.00 Platform Placement Fee and acquire 500 Baton Listeners through their CIH Media code. The $300.00 platform placement fee allows a podcaster to have its URL and logo placed on the CIH Media platform and receive a portion of marketing and advertising dollars. CIH Media aims to establish up to 1000 podcasters nationally. The platform will allow up to 40 podcasters per state based on population.
Independent Internet Radio
Independent Internet Radio Stations are stations with their URL. Each station must pay a one-time $250.00 Platform Placement Fee and acquire 500 Baton Listeners through their CIH Media code. The $250.00 platform placement fee allows an Independent Internet Radio Station to have its URL and logo placed on the CIH Media website and receive a portion of marketing and advertising dollars. CIH Media aims to establish up to 1000 Independent Internet Radio Stations Nationally. The platform will allow up to 40 Independent Internet Radio Stations per state based on population.
Local Social Influencers
Local Social Influencers must have a minimum of 10,000 combined followers on their social media platforms. Each local social influencer must pay a one-time $100.00 Platform Placement Fee and sign up 500 Baton Listeners and 20 Community Information Hubs through their CIH Media Code. The $100.00 platform placement fee entitles a Local Social Influencer to have their @ link displayed on the CIH Media website, an opportunity to make money, and the chance to earn a paid spot on the “Putting Americans First Activities.” CIH Media will allow up to 500 Local Social Influencers to sign up nationally. The platform will allow up to 40 Local Social Influencers per state based on population.
Street Teamers
Street Teamers must have the heart and grit to hit the streets locally and nationally. Each Street Teamer must pay a one-time $25.00 Platform Placement Fee, obtain 500 Baton Listeners, and sign up for 20 Community Information Hubs through their CIH Media Code. The $25.00 platform placement fee provides a Street Teamer with a personal code, an opportunity to make money, and a chance to earn a paid spot on “Putting Americans First Activities” as an elite Street Teamer. CIH will allow up to 500 Street Teamers to sign up nationally starting in 2024. The platform will allow up to 40 Street Teamers per state based on population.
Baton Marketing Partners
Baton Marketing Partners must be able to call or meet with individuals, churches, organizations, and companies to explain the importance of being a Baton Listener. Baton Marketing Partners must pay a one-time $25.00 Platform Placement Fee and obtain 500 Baton Listeners through their CIH Media Code.
The $25.00 platform placement fee provides a Baton Marketing Partner with a personal code, an opportunity to make money, and a chance to earn a paid spot on “The Putting Americans Activities” as an Elite Baton Marketing Partner. CIH will allow up to 500 Baton Marketing Partners to sign up nationally starting in 2024. The platform will allow up to 40 Baton.
Marketing Partners per state based on the state’s population.
Affiliate Platform Placement
Affiliates must pay an annual platform fee to CIH Media. The platform fee varies based on your selected affiliate type, benefits, and commission structure.

Placement fee (signup fee) includes:
- Cover the costs of managing the platform
- Processing payments
- Providing support to affiliates
- Filter out low-quality affiliates not serious about promoting the platform
- Support CIH Media’s skin in the game concept
Connecting Candidates and
Corporations to Communities
CIH Media offerings are with the client and end users (audience) in mind. CIH Media believes that being able to present interactive and primary data to a client's advertising and marketing experience is unique. It doesn’t matter whether the client is a political candidate, a Fortune 500 company, or a small mom-and-pop restaurant; CIH provides them with a clearer perspective on their product or service. CIH Media has three signature offerings: An Hour of Power, Virtual Town Halls, and Commercials.
An Hour of Power
An Hour of Power (AHOP) will air five days weekly through a syndicated platform of CIH affiliates. AHOP aims to have an audience of 1,000,000 listeners nationally.
Virtual Town Halls
CIH Media Virtual Town Halls bring presenters with voters or customers face-to-face. Virtual Town Halls are interactive and personal and allow participants to ask questions. Suppose the presenter is a candidate or CEO of a Fortune 500 company; in that case, the interaction provides the opportunity to be heard, gain trust, and, more importantly, listen to the voter or customer. Virtual Town Halls are held in Community Information Hubs locally or nationally.
Virtual Town Halls are held in Community Information Hubs nationally or locally. Community Information Hubs are Barber Shops, Hair Salons, Daycares, and Pop Restaurants.
CIH Media rotates commercials during the Hour of Power Virtual Town Halls and Special Events. Commercials can be 15-second liners and 30 and 60-second spots. CIH Media commercials can only be positive and factual information about individuals or companies. Based on primary data, voters prefer knowing more about how a candidate will help them versus hearing negative information about another candidate, and consumers want to see why a product or service is worth purchasing.
CIH Media rotates commercials during the Hour of Power, Virtual Town Halls, and Special Events. Commercials can be 15-second liners and 30- and 60-second spots.